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Depiction of Ordinary Women Leading Extraordinary Life in Alice Munro

Reaz Mahmud Khan


Abstract: This paper explores the theme of ‘ordinary women leading extraordinary lives’ in the works of Alice Munro, one of Canada’s most celebrated short story writers. Through a close analysis of a selection of Munro’s stories, this paper examines the ways in which Munro portrays the experiences of women who, despite leading seemingly ordinary lives, achieve great things and make a significant impact on the world. The paper argues that Munro’s stories offer a powerful celebration of the resilience, determination, and strength of women, and that they challenge traditional notions of what it means to lead an extraordinary life. By examining the experiences of these “ordinary women,” this paper aims to shed light on the unique challenges and opportunities that the modern women face in the modern world and to offer a new perspective on the lives of women who, despite the obstacles they face, rise to the challenge and achieve greatness.
Keywords: Ordinary women, resilience of the spirit, glorification of women

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